Viola Lauper Johnson
Viola Lauper Johnson


This web site is dedicated to Viola Lauper Johnson.
She has been a tireless advocate for a close-knit family. She has spent thousands of hours making sure that our ancestors are not forgotten and have the opportunity to be sealed in a chain of many links. For years, with an seemingly unending stack of Family Group Sheets, she personally kept the local copy store in business. She continues to be a well of anecdotes and inspiring stories. Today, our family is strong and self-aware because of her efforts and service.

About This Site

At the Madsen-Lauper Reunion in 2002 (following the dedication of the replica of the Furniture Store), a vote was taken at the Saturday morning meeting and breakfast. David Peterson (Jr.), a great-grandson of Emma Lauper, and consequently a great-great grandson of Hans Madsen, in the somehow "beat out" all "rivals" and was awarded the responsibility of arranging the next reunion, "in two years time."

As fate would have it, in 2004, David's branch of the Lauper Family also takes their turn in managing the annual Lauper Family Reunion. It made a lot of sense, from both a logistical and social point of view, to combine these gatherings into one big extravaganza.

In addition to planning the actual reunion activities, David and his extended family were faced with task of providing and regularly updating the information about the upcoming reunion, as well as promoting interest and family participation. A web site seemed to be the answer for a centralized "point of contact" for all family members. And so this site was born. In the arena of promoting family interest, adding stories and photographs of the family seemed to be the next step. The site has and continues to mushroom from there.

Site Structure and Navigaion

Due the complex inter-relations of the Exended Hans Madsen Family, the web pages at this site have been categorized into four general groups:

Each set of pages is color-coded with a navigation bar on the lefthand side of each page. Each color has a unique set of links in that bar that focuses on the pages for that branch of the family. However, each bar always has a link back to the Reunion Main Page and the Extended Hans Madsen Family, where you can then jump to other branches.

As a computer professional, David has personally taken on the role of "webmaster" for this web site, but he is relying heavily upon the assistance of his family in dealing with the myriad of preparations for a family reunion. He is counting on YOU to help make both this web site and family reunion a success.

Site Map

Top-level pages are color-coded according to which part of the site they belong. All pages underneath a top-level page are of the same category as their top page:

Reunion information, Hans Madsen, and other general, shared items
Lauper Branch
Madsen-Sorensen Branch
Madsen-Tetzner Branch

UC designates pages under construction.

Come Again!

Please return to this site for regular updates and more items of family interest.

Upcoming items will include:

  • more reunion schedule details
  • more and better pictures
  • more items of family history
  • registration to attend the reunion
Check the What's New page for a listing of what has changed.