Report on the 2004 Madsen-Lauper Family Reunion
Saturday, August 14, 2004, at Wheeler Historic Farm
Sunday, August 15, 2004, at Eagle Gate Apartments

Table of Contents
- Reunion Summary
- Many Thanks
- Special Considerations
- Reunion Events
- Quilt
- Getting To Know You
- Attendance
- Future Reunions
A few photographs are on this page, with more in a separate Album.
Some of the shots are a bit "candid". Don't worry: we've all been there!
In the Album, click on the Comments link below each photo to send a message about the photo. Click on Exit Album to return to this page.
If you have photos that you would like to share, by all means send them!
Reunion Summary
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Welcome Banner and Flags |
Mix and Match happened!
It was a hot summer day, but not as hot as it could have been: trees, awnings and a few clouds offered pleasant shade. For the kids, the water in wading pools, water balloons and the irrigation canal also helped keep it cool.
Helen Bingham and I (David Peterson) spent most of the afternoon at the registration table (as expected), so I was unable to mingle much. From my vantage point, however, it looked like most everyone was having fun visiting and participating in the activities.
Judging from the reactions, the kids' activities and homemade ice cream were particular hits. The teens and young adults had a riotous time with the Pioneer Relay.
Thanks to those that participated in our Getting to Know You and Family Word Taboo games. I hope you came away with a little better knowledge of your family.
By the early evening, many were ready to call it a day, but a cadre of die-hards stayed on for the square and line dancing. We had great fun!
On Sunday morning, we were surprised to have our Reunion recognized in the Tabernacle. Then, we had a most enjoyable service at the Eagle Gate Apartments, hosted by Irene Buehner. Thanks to those who shared your feelings about family and your musical talents.
Many Thanks
- to the members of the Viola Lauper Johnson family who were heroic in their labors: lots of excellent preparation work and much unsung effort in CLEAN-UP.
- to all the family members that helped with the set-up and take-down of chairs and tables.
- to Wilma Stocker for supervising the quilting with assitance from Paulie Hutchings.
- to Wilma Stocker, Brad Danielson and Michael Lauper for excellent displays.
- to Helen Bingham for creating the 34-foot chart "Descendants of Hans Madsen" that hung from the rafters, for supplying other family memorabilia, for help in identifying and contacting family members.
- to those that brought pictures.
- to Irene Buehner and family for hosting the Sunday service and providing delicious refreshments.
- to Dennis Brown and Aaron Lauper for sharing their photos.
- to Karen Talbert for our Mix and Match logo.
Special Considerations
To my knowledge, there were three people unable to attend due to serious health concerns.Richard H. Madsen - is confined to home due to kidney failure requiring frequent dialysis. He is also recovering from a series of heart attacks.
Viola Lauper Johnson - had emergency surgery for a blocked intestine four days before the Reunion. At the age of 91, this is a particularly delicate operation and difficult convalescence.
LaMont Wardle - had hernia surgery the week before the Reunion. An unexpected, adverse reaction to the surgery has placed him in a coma and he continues to be in a very precarious condition.
Our prayers are for well-being of these stalwart individuals and their families.
Reunion Events
SATURDAY, August 14
2:00 PM- Arrive, Sign-in, Receive Name Tags, Get Oriented
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Water Balloon Toss |
- Start of games on the lawns (for both young-in-age and young-at-heart)
Several games will include water, so bring a change of clothes. - Children's games: Ice-cream-roll, Water ballons, boat races, etc.
- Teen games: Ballon toss, Pioneer Relay
- Adults: join in or cheer for the above
- Chatting in the shade
- Small snacking food and drinks (provided)
- Quilt-tying project (those who participate are eligible for a later drawing to win the quilt!)
- Time to explore the Wheeler Farm and historic buildings
- (Those who would like to explore and hike in the further reaches of the grounds, may want to come earlier in the day)
- Begin set-up of indoor displays (please let us know your interest in displaying something)
- Continued afternoon activities
- Begin browsing of indoor displays
- Video slide-show
- Get-acquainted Activity
- Games and activities upstairs, for the kids
- Dinner (provided - except for dessert)
- Barbecued Beef on Buns, Hot Dogs, Salads, Veggies, Chips, Fruit, Lemonade & Root Beer
- Family Meeting
- Issues of family interest
- Perhaps a reivew of our recent Denmark trip
- Family Trivia Game, for adults and teens
- Videos upstairs, for the kids
- Perhaps a reivew of our recent Denmark trip
- Issues of family interest
- Dessert: cookies (brought by family members) and Homemade Ice Cream (provided)
- Square Dancing
SUNDAY, August 15
Due to the efforts of Irene Buehner, we have secured the use of the meeting room at the Eagle Gate Apartments, on the corner of State Street and South Temple.
9:30 AM- Attend the Mormon Tabernacle Choir broadcast as a family group
- Walk the two blocks to the Eagle Gate Apartments
- Northeast corner of State and South Temple
- Church service of music and testimony-sharing (approx. 1.5 hours)
- Note: This is not a Sacrament Service.
- Sunday "go-to-meetin'" attire is encouraged, but not required.
- Note: This is not a Sacrament Service.
- Light refreshments served afterwards.
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Quilting |
We had a sheltered spot set up on the lawn where family members could participate in tying a baby quilt. Those who helped had their names entered in a drawing for another quilt, made beforehand by Viola Lauper Johnson and displayed nearby. I failed to do the drawing in front of everyone, as planned, but I later did it in front of several witnesses ("in the mouths of two or three...")
The winner was Marc Blocker (8 years old; great-great-grandson of Emma Lauper). The patriotic red-white-blue quilt will be sent to him.
The baby quilt will be donated to the Carmelite Monastery Humanitarian Project.
Getting to Know You
Here is the list of the descriptions and the people that fit them. Some of these descriptions are rather "unusual"!
- Bonnie Goodliffe, Ping Pong Champion as a youth
- Lawrie Greene, Showed Arabian horses
- Christopher Phillips, Served a mission in Albania
- Shane Mylar, Earned a Black Belt at age 11
- Amy Greene, Has broken jaw twice
- Richard Ahlgren, Leaves this month to serve mission in Santiago Chile Mission
- Glade Goodliffe, Played violin in BYU Symphony Orchestra
- Helen Bingham, Voted Woman of the Year in her city
- Marc Ellison, Has survived a bone marrow transplant
- Irene Buehner, The oldest living descendant of Hans AND Maria Madsen
- Norm Stocker, Learned to bake pies in high school
- Stevie Gates, Likes to read dictionaries & encyclopedias
- Lamont Wardle, Has an airplane in his driveway
Getting to Know You - Dennis Brown, Has traveled to Aruba
- Marc Lauper, Has read 13 books on military history this last year
- Max Davis, Has won two poetry contests
- Julie Lauper-Cook, Has lived in 4 foreign countries
- Drew Hooper, Earned a frequent flyer travel award before age 4
- Tom & Julie Bradley, Attended dedication of Cochabamba Bolivia Temple
- Crawford Gates, Is an arithmomaniac .
- Richard Bushman, Has driven for over 40 years but doesn't own a car
- Gabe Davis, Is learning to ride a unicycle
- Marilyn Hunsaker, Is a foster parent
- Brooke Storheim, Studied in London, England
- Doug Peterson, Recently threw an alley-oop to an NBA player
- Ashli Storheim, Has Hawaiian ancestry
- Barney Madsen, Is a lawyer with a felony charge
- Maddy Peterson, Usually refers to herself in the third person
- Lanae Hooper, Has eaten turtle casserole
- Sloan Hutchings, Always has to carry a gas mask while at work
- Jed Madsen, Attending BYU on academic scholarship but has no high school diploma
- Tiffany Greene, Has hiked the Grand Canyon rim to rim
- Robert Ahlgren, Is a graduate of the Marine Corps
- Georgia Gates, Has danced the can can
- Dave Lauper, Has visited every Swiss town/area with Lauper name in its title
- Jack Bingham, Delivered a baby outside the delivery room
- Truman Madsen, Has spent 5 years in the Holy Land
- Sage Cook, Walked at 7 months
- Connie Madsen, An accomplished water color artist
- Claudia Bushman, Was written up in "National Enquirer"
- Grant Davis, Likes to surf in Central America
- Frank Madsen, Worked with President Reagan
- Summer Peterson, Teaches a volleyball class
- Danielle Blocker, Has been chased by a moose
- Laura Hutchings, Enjoys reading Harry Potter in Latin
- Kathy Bingham, Won cutest baby contest in Kamas, Utah
- Erik Storheim, Toured Australia with a rugby team
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Buffet Dinner |
Here is our best effort at counting who was there. Not everyone checked in at the registration table, so we may have missed some or made other mistakes. In particular, we failed to note down most of the names of children under the age of four. Please let me know if you have a correction.
The names are divided into the three main branches, then by family unit. Total numbers include both adults and children.
Branch | Saturday | Sunday |
Lauper | 86 | 40 |
Madsen-Sorensen | 63 | 21 |
Madsen-Tetzner | 47 | 0 |
TOTALS | 196 | 61 |
Blocker | Nathan & Danielle Marc Tanner Karina |
Brown | Dennis & Shirley-Ann Barbara |
Brown | Eric & Karen |
Bushman | Richard & Claudia |
Danielson | Brad Abby |
Ellison | Don & Susan David |
Ellison | Marc & Yvonne Aaron Ashley Crystal Justin Sarah |
Gates | Crawford & Georgia |
Gates | Stephen & Nancy Stephen |
Goodliffe | Glade & Bonnie |
Goodliffe | Stephanie |
Hooper | Lanae Drew Clayton Maryn |
Hutchings | Gib & Paulie |
Hutchings | Sloan & Laura |
Kennedy | Elisa Rachel Tanner Christian Nate |
Lauper | Dave & Judy Michael Jenny Aaron Adam |
Lauper | Frances |
Lauper | Jane |
Lauper | Marc |
Lauper | Troy & Angelina |
Lauper-Cook | Julie Cassandra |
Miner | Paul & JoAnn |
Myler | Shane & Alyson |
Peterson | David & Linda |
Peterson | David (Jr.) |
Peterson | Doug & Summer Maddy Eliza |
Rodgers | Natalie Andrea |
Smith | Jeff & guest Amy Sullivan |
Smith | Roger |
Stocker | Norman & Wilma |
Storheim | Erik & Brooke Sam |
Storheim | Matt & Ashli Isaac Luke |
Storheim | Steve & guest Emmy Maloutas |
Wardle | Becky |
Wardle | Margaret Lynette Whitney |
Bingham | Jack & Helen |
Bingham | Kathy |
Buehner | Irene |
Cornaby | Brice & Stacey Kaitlyn Steven |
Davis | Grant & Mindy Max Molly Gabriel |
Gordon | Robyn Jamison Sequoia Sibhana Daemien |
Hulet | Brian & Debra |
Madsen | Barney & Cynthia Jed Kelly David Caroline |
Madsen | Ben & Jeanetta |
Madsen | Melanie |
Madsen | J.R. & Mavis Chris Jeremy |
Madsen | Truman & Ann |
Merrill | Mark & Alexis Ava |
Merrill | Penny |
Merrill | Scott & Robin Allison Erin Jenna Marie |
Merrill | Taylor |
Merrill | Tom & Nancy Andrew Zachary Amelia |
Sherman | Darrell & Jane Samuel Joseph Mark Daniel |
Sudweeks | Mindy McKennan Michaela Mitchel |
Terry | Connie |
Whittle | Trent & Susan |
Ahlgren | Ralph & Michelle Ashley David Jennifer Richard Robert |
Bagley | Thomas & Julie |
Densford | Karen |
Jackson | Elizabeth |
Jackson | Richard |
Jackson | Steven |
Jackson | Christopher & Jennifer |
Greene | Robert & Lawrie Amy Eric |
Greene | Ryan & Tiffany |
Hunsaker | Lawry & Marilyn |
Huntsman | David & Michelle Allison Sarah David Annie Mae Elle Daniel |
Jensen | Kent & Lisa Zachary |
Madsen | Frank & Connie |
Madsen | David |
Madsen | Doralee |
Morrill | Kathleen Brie Maddie |
Phillips | Christopher & Emily |
Rawlings | Mary Lou |
Rawlings | Stephen & Julie |
Future Reunions
In conversation with Truman Madsen and Mavis Madsen, the subject came up: "when will we do this again?" They also noted that you shouldn't "ask a woman when she's having her next child just after she's given birth"!
My response and advice is that it would be wonderful to have a get-together in the future, but on a much simpler scale. Perhaps just a dinner and a mingling activity. Anyone who wishes to step forward and take on such an activity has my support! I would also recommend that each branch have their own reunions, but offer an open invitation to members of other branches that may wish to attend.
The Laupers, without a doubt, will continue their tradition of Family Reunions. In our regular rotation, responsibility for next year's reunion falls to the Dennis Lauper Branch, headed by Marc D. Lauper. As soon as information about that reunion is known, it will be made available.
Of course, if there is to be an open invitation, there has to be open and ongoing communication. I continue to volunteer my services as a webmaster for the family website and framework that I have established. I hope that we can continue to expand the resources for family history and information that it can provide. I hope that it can be a focal point for communication and sharing.
I have created a database of addresses, but in this mobile day and age, those can quickly become obsolete. In the case of the Lauper Branch, especially, I will be actively working to keep the "arteries" open and clear (with much assistance from Georgia Gates' Lauper Family Directory). I will, of course, continue to share information with any and all members of the other Madsen branches who are interested. Perhaps there are volunteers among the Madsens who wish to also volunteer as a "Branch Manager" and focal point for family contact and/or history information??
If we wish to have strong family bonds, then we have to be willing to define the nature of those bonds and willing to make the effort to maintain those bonds. I welcome and encourage constructive suggestions and efforts to keep our family connected.